A gathering of the historic plasterers was held at Philip Gaches Lincolnshire workshop, Philip organised and hosted the event.
This two-day event brought together construction professionals, crafts people and SPAB students specialising in conservation and restoration.
The program including talks and demonstrations by experts in the various traditional crafts and disciplines.
The discussions highlighted the urgent need for the different specialist training and for recognition, skills and understanding to be of the highest degree.
There is a need to have the right skills for restoration, repair and maintenance work, as this is very important. In addition, these skills are vital when dealing with heritage buildings; especially those older than 1919. Any work attempted by untrained people would create more problems in the future.
Example – Bill Sargent came to do remedial work on a property, he was unable. This small job turned into a major renovation; due to badly executed work and wrong materials. The previous work men had not been trained in heritage and conservation methods.
Need for higher-level heritage building and conservation students.
UK’s buildings are getting older, heritage and conservation training is needed. Moreover, to save these historic buildings more people are needed to train in conserving heritage buildings.
Historic Techniques Demonstrated
Philip Gaches – Elizabethan and Jacobean decorative plasterwork.
Andrew Fawcett – The painting frescos on lime plaster, and the application of sgraffito.
Martin Brown director of Warmcote, – the development and use of a new lime based wall coatings for traditional building.
Bill Sargent and Johanna Welsh – known for their expertise Bill and Johanna discusted the history of Pargetting, its practical application spread to other regions in the UK.
Nigel Copsey – Master Mason, Nigel demonstrated the advantages of ‘hot lime mixes’ when carrying out restoration and repair work on historic buildings.
A new plastering guide has been created for traditional plasterers, conservators and experts in associated areas.
We wish all success to the ‘New Guild for the Plastering Craft’.
William and Kevin enjoyed the event very much, we are grateful to Philip and his family for their hospitality.